Love my bag! Even took a pic of it in the overhead bin. Super sexy a friend told me! Thanks!!
Great piece of luggage. I’m super impressed with the quality and design!!
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多くの荷物をすっきりとまとめて収納できるようダイナミックに設計されたメイン収納部。両サイドのスナップボタンで荷物量に応じて形を変えられるダイナミックな構造。 底はしっかりとしたマチ付きのため、持ち物の動きを制限し中身を安全に保管し持ち運び可能。内部には便利な6つのポケットが付き、充実した収納部で整理整頓が簡単。丸みをおびた贅沢で上品なシルエットが美しいボストンバッグ。
丁寧にハンドペイントで施されたこだわりのエッジ加工やステッチ。細やかな所まで手作業で仕上げることでより上質で洗練された印象に。磨き上げられた光沢感のあるブラス製ジッパーも上品さをプラス。LWG(Leather Working Group)からゴールド認定を受けたヨーロッパ産のサステナブルレザーを使用したエレガントなボストンバッグ。
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滑らかな質感が特徴のプレミアムフルグレインレザーはLWG認定されたヨーロッパの革なめし工場から調達しています。さらに詳しい内容に関してはレザーについて をご覧ください。
Great piece of luggage. I’m super impressed with the quality and design!!
Can also be used as an everyday bag ,for both short and long trips, and also the gym and it’s really multi functional and very beautiful . I love it. The only problem was when it arrived, customers charged me an additional 80 euros fees, which was quite unexpected.Aside that, everything was great.
I love this bag. Very luxe and I feel more confident carrying it. I wish it came in a bigger size! From all the stitching, quality of leather to packaging, this is a great brand and product and the price is very reasonable for the quality.
I got this bag on sale during Black Friday but would absolutely pay full price too. Its a beautiful bag, and is clearly well made and worth every penny. I get a ton of compliments on it when I travel and it fit under airplane seat completely full. Need other colors! Black with gold please!
I was looking for a statement piece and this is it, subtle and classy; space wise is impressive how much I can fit.