A million dollar’s feeling bag!
This bag is a great piece as a woman.
It makes you feel like a million dollar.
I’m so happy with my purchase 😄
I can load a lot of stuff and I’m good for the day.
But it and you won’t regret you did!
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¥8,900 JPY
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¥8,900 JPY
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¥8,900 JPY
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¥8,900 JPY
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¥8,900 JPY
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¥8,900 JPY
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¥8,900 JPY
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¥8,900 JPY
in Default Title
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20,000円以上お買い上げの場合、Supple+ レザースプレーをプレゼントいたします。
シンプルな3枚のパネル構造で、自立する立体的なつくりを実現。 合成繊維の裏地は使わずに、サスティナブルなヨーロッパ産フルグレインレザーだけを使って作りました。見た目もよくて地球にも優しい優秀なトートバッグです。
滑らかな質感が特徴のプレミアムフルグレインレザーはLWG認定されたヨーロッパの革なめし工場から調達しています。さらに詳しい内容に関してはレザーについて をご覧ください。
This bag is a great piece as a woman.
It makes you feel like a million dollar.
I’m so happy with my purchase 😄
I can load a lot of stuff and I’m good for the day.
But it and you won’t regret you did!
I absolutely love this bag. I paid full price and was skeptical I’d even use it enough or that it was worth the price. I thought I’d use it for certain occasions/days maybe. I carry the darn thing every day. I have a tote insert and it’s my mobile command center. Any day I’m in the office it’s with me. It is so simple and chic. Just an all around gorgeous bag and I’m in love.
I really like this bag. Its good for everyday wear. I ordered two more pieces. I will get rid of my other purses if they make a dark brown to this bag. Kuddos to the Zipper
Lovely bag use it for work and it very good